The Simplest Apple Tart You Will Ever Make

Hi all! Sorry its been a while since we have posted. We have been hugely busy with lots of different things and have still been baking and creating but finding the time to post has been a little more difficult!

So anyhow... We have had so many apples recently and I've been trying to find lots of recipes to use them up! My husband loves al things apple and his favourite is a crumble but being a mum of two kids means crumbles are not often on the menu.

This recipe is SO simple.

A roll of pre made puff pastry
One cooking apple
3 Tbsp Coconut Sugar (or brown)
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
2 Tbsp Golden Syrup
1/2 Lemon


Pre heat oven to 180 degrees Celsius

1) Cut and core your apple and slice as thinly as possible
2) Squeeze the lemon juice over the slices. This will keep them from going brown
3) Sprinkle over two tablespoons of the coconut sugar, the cinnamon and mix well being careful not to break the apple slices.
4) Take your pastry out of the fridge and lay flat. Cut into a long rectangle allowing for 1cm either side of the apple slices (Once Placed)
5) Take a food brush and with the golden syrup, brush the pastry
6) Lay the apple slices as in the photos and then brush those in the golden syrup also
7) Sprinkle with some extra sugar and put into the oven
8) Bake for 15-20 minutes until golden brown. Be careful not to burn.

Serve with vanilla ice cream or cream and also, may I suggest, a cut of tea!!!!



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