The all I have left in the fridge salad

My husband quite often whinges that I buy too many vegetable and don't use them all, so at certain points in the week after the main shop he will ban me from buying anymore and make me use what I have, of course I get a little annoyed with him and the time but secretly it quite a fun challenge to use up what you have in the fridge. 

Here I have

1 very over ripe tomato
a bunch of asparagus 
half a cucumber 
2 spring onion 
1/2 a bunch fresh coriander 
a lemon 
soya oil 

I cooked the asparagus until it was soft, then drained it and cooled it in ice cold water, so it didn't loose its green, then chopped it up into small pieces.
I diced the cucumber chopped the spring onion and coriander 
and for the tomatoes I literally chopped it up so much it almost became part of the dressing, because it was overripe it was soft so the texture wasn't that great, but chopping it up very small makes you not really notice the texture and the flavour is still there. 

the actual dressing was just, the juice of the lemon and 2 table spoons of soya oil and a little salt and pepper 

then all the ingredients were mixed in a bowl, and as this salad was a diced up mess, with the very sloppy tomato I decided to serve it in a large wine glass, to make it look cool with a bit of class. 


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