Shashuka, my ultimate favorite breakfast

So here's a breakfast for a Sunday brunch that will have your family begging for more. 
Shakshouka is a dish that originates from the middle east and north Africa so I always pair it with humus and flat bread and the tomato sauce is made with a touch of chili and cumin. when the tomato sauce is made you basically just poach the eggs in the sauce, some people do it in a pan on the hob, I like to do it in individual pots as i find it easier to serve people, so I bake it in the oven like eggs en cocotte. Crack the egg into the ramekin or whatever pot your using, put some tomato sauce around it and pop it in the oven for about 6 minutes, just long enough to cook your egg, leave for longer or shorter if you like you egg harder or runnier. 

For the tomato sauce 

6 large tomatoes, skinned or 2 tins if you don't have time for faffing with fresh ones
1 onion 
2 cloves of garlic 
1 tablespoon of olive oil
2 teaspoons cumin
1 small chili, deseeded, (unless you want to blow heads off)

method for sauce 

skin the tomatoes by cutting the ends in a cross like below 

put them into a boiling pot of water for about 30 seconds, then tip them out into ice cold water. 
the skins will now peel off really easily leaving you the fleshy bit of the tomato and now you can roughly chop them and set them aside in a bowl, or as mentioned above skip this stage and just use tinned. 
finely chop the onions and garlic and saute them in some olive oil, when they are slightly browned but not burnt add the chili, cumin and tomatoes, stir for all the ingredients for about a minute then turn the heat down to a low temperature, put a lid on the ingredients and let all the flavours fuse together for about an hour, you can leave this and do something else like make you hummus, (see our hummus recipe) 

I also added with this breakfast a salad with cucumber, tomato, avocado, fresh coriander and cashew nuts with freshly squeezed lemon juice and olive oil. 
this is a perfect nutrient packed vegetarian brunch.  


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