Grand Artichoke

How to cook and eat your artichoke 

You may look at artichokes on the market or in the shop, and think oh my, that looks scary what an earth can i do with that? So here’s something super simple

You just steam it. 

Put the water to half way up the artichoke, put a lid on it and boil the water and leave it cooking and cooking and cooking. 

It takes time, about 45 minutes, in the photo I haven't put the lid on yet, but you need to otherwise all the water will evaporate and you'll burn the bottom of the pan, and the artichoke will not taste nice. (not speaking from experience or anything)

Then all you need is a decent dip to dip it in. 

For the dip 

White balsamic vinegar
Crème fraiche, (sour cream)
Olive oil 

Equal amounts of each ingredient mixed together with small whisk  or fork 

For 1 artichoke, half a cup of each ingriedient is plenty with some left over for next time.
And then add salt and pepper to your tastes, I like lots of pepper.


I bet your thinking "that doesn't look any different to before it was cooked, how am I supposed to eat it that?"

Well, its soft now and you can literally just pull the leaves off and eat the fleshy bits at the bottom, dip the fleshy bit in the sauce as Xanthe is doing in the picture and just pull with your teeth, and then discard the rest of the leaf just as you would the shell of the pistachio, its a tiny bite of food but its delicious and a fun sharing dish to eat with aperitifs, instead of nuts or crudites. When you get to the middle you get to the heart which you can eat as well. 



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