Bannana, white chocolate and raison muffins

Banana, raisin and white chocolate muffins 

A great thing to wake up to in the morning, they are always an absolute winner with anyone I make them for, they are also delicious at coffee time, lunch time, tea time and any other time of day for that matter. 
You will need some muffin cups, they sell such a wide variety of lovely colours these days, make sure you get some pretty ones. Muffin tins will also be needed for the oven unless you have really sturdy muffin cups, otherwise they will spread outwards, and be a flat mess.

Pre heat the oven to 180 degrees 

Step 1 ingredients 

2 cups of flour 
1  tsp baking powder 
½ tsp salt 
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 cup sugar 
½ cup melted butter 
1 cup sour cream 

Step 2 ingredients

1 cup raisins
2 bananas chopped 
½ cup of chopped white chocolate or white chocolate buttons 
1 egg 

Step 1 

These are the easiest things to make, there is no specific order that they need to go in the mixing bowl, just put all step 1 ingredients into the bowl and mix with a wooden spoon, the mixture doesn't really need to be mixed to much, just until you have a thick paste.

Step 2

Fold in all the step 2  ingredients. 

Step 3 

Fill the muffin cups, I use an ice creams scoop because the mixture is quite dense and it’s better for accuracy and makes them all the same size 

When they are all filled pop them in the oven for 15 minutes. Please note this is how long it takes in my oven to cook them. Ovens are weird creatures and no one is the same, they do weird things like cook on the right hand side more than the left hand side. You may need to turn them, but defiantly check them unless you know your oven and you have made something similar before. When they are ready they will be golden brown on top.


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