Zesty Lemon Curd Recipe

This is such an easy way to add a bit of zest to cakes and bakes. My hubby enjoys it on toast whereas the little ones like it with yoghurt! It takes about 40 minutes to complete from start to finish.

You will need
4 organic lemons
1/2 cup of Caster Sugar
3 eggs
300g butter cut into cubes

1) Zest the lemons and squeeze the juice. You will need about half a cup of the juice.
2) Add the butter, zest and juice to a heavy bottomed saucepan and which together
3) On a gentle heat add the butter
4) Whisk gently often until the curd starts to thicken up.
5) The curd is ready once the whisk leaves a mark through the curd
6) Transfer into the sterilised jars and leave to cool before closing if you plan to keep it for another day otherwise a bowl will suffice. Keep in the fridge until needed.

User within the week.



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