Wild Blueberry Smoothie Bowl

I say smoothie bowl but in reality its more of a very healthy sorbet which is just what we need in this heatwave!

I've been detoxing recently as summer has arrived and its nearly time to get into the dreaded bikini and any guilty treats weigh heavy on my mind. Thats why I decided to make some frozen banana ice cream this afternoon and then decided why not funk it up a little!

Ive not tried many variations before because I love the simple frozen banana variety just as it is but I have a freezer drawer full of goodness so decided to indulge.

2 Frozen Bananas
1/2 Cup Frozen Blueberries. Mine were wild which made the deep colour
1 Tbsp Coconut Flakes
1 Tbsp Pumpkin Seeds
Pear Slices

This barely needs explaining its so easy.
1) Blend the frozen bananas with the blue berries
2) Decorate with the rest

Done! SO so healthy and utterly scrumptious!


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