Watermelon and Coconut Water Slushies

The hot weather has finally arrived here in the South of France and we have spent the holiday weekend soaking up the sun and enjoying the pool!

It’s so easy to run to the fridge and grab a lemonade or another soda or soft drink to quench thirst and feel refreshed but I am about to share with you one of the most refreshing drinks you could possibly make for yourself that is so amazingly good for you and easy to make. 

We were drinking these of our family holiday to Thailand and the kids would have a few a day! 

Coconut water
A squeeze of lime juic 

1) Chop up your watermelon and pop into a ziplock or freezer safe container and leave in the freezer for when needed. 
2) when you are in need of refreshment, take out some of the frozen watermelon and add a good splash of the coconut water along with the lime juice into a blender jug
3) whizz until smooth. If you feel it’s too watery you can add ice cubes and blend until you get a thick Ice slushy 

A truly great way to get plenty of vitamins and nutrients into you and everyone else and it has the power to take you to somewhere exotic! 



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