Light and Fluffy Banana Pancakes

Everyone says ‘Breakfast is the most important meal of the day’. I am sure this is true for most but truly, its not for me. If I eat first thing I feel sluggish and bloated and then can’t stop eating all day long! 
I am much more of a brunch type Gal and thankfully my work schedule allows me to have a few ours work/play in before I need to eat. But when we do have our breakfast, we do it well! 

Banana pancakes for me sum up the weekend feeling. We always have pancakes of some variety and take great care in choosing our toppings and flavours. After spending some time in the USA I have come to like banana, bacon, peanut butter and maple syrup, its just my thing! My girls are happy with only the syrup however Evie is starting to come around to the idea of sweet and savoury together and she’s recently been sneaking a few rashers of bacon onto her plate. 

This is the simplest recipe Wirth the loveliest flutiest results. 

1 beaten egg
1 cup of whole milk
1 tbs sugar
1 cup of all purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbs vegetable oil
2 ripe mashed bananas 
1 tbs butter

  1. Mix the flour, sugar, salt and baking powder into a bowl.
  2. Add the milk, egg and vegetable oil and mix to a batter
  3. Fold in the mashed bananas 
  4. Melt a little of the butter in a skillet pan and pour the batter on. I suggest using 1/4 cup for each one but you can use smaller or larger dependant on your preferences. 
  5. Try and not poke it about as the trick is to seal the first side well before flipping. I wait until you see large air bubbles rise through the batter. Then flip
  6. Cook both sides until golden and then serve. 
  7. You can keep the cooked pancakes in the oven while the rest are being cooked.



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