Homemade Mustard Recipe (Raw)

May has arrived which means picnic season is nearly upon us and that gave me the idea of showing you how we picnic. So let me start with one of the much loved summer condiments...

Mustard, you either love it or hate it. I can’t handle the strong traditional English varieties and much prefer the French or American ones. This sweet recipe is not at all strong and the honey makes it sweet and delicious. This is the non cook and non dairy variety so it’s perfect for vegans should you be one. 

1/2 cup of yellow mustard seeds
1/2 a cup of apple cider vinegar 
1/2 cup of water
3 tablespoons of honey
1/2 tsp flaked sea salt
1/2 tsp ground tumeric powder

Simply add all of the ingredients to a blender and blend into a smooth paste. 

Enjoy with cold cuts or in sandwiches! 


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