Homemade Hummus Recipe

Who doesn't like hummus? And whats better... Its SO easy to make from scratch and much taster than the store purchased variety. Here in France they put creme fraiche in theirs which I can't understand. Surely that makes it something else entirely?

Well, its then that I decided to delve into the world of making my own and I am obsessed.

This is one of those recipes that everyone enjoys, the kids eat it, the husband eats it, guests eat it... and what better than to say its made by your own hands.

Ok so the recipe is as follows

2 cups of pre-cooked Chick Peas. You could cook your own but life is too short. Keep back the brine.
1 cup of Tahini (Sesame Paste)
The Juice of a Lemon
One fat Garlic Clove crushed
A good pinch of both Salt and Pepper
A good plug of Olive Oil

Add all ingredients to a blender, I use my nutribullet. Then whizz away. You may find that the mixture is too thick in which case use some of the brine from the chick peas or some more lemon juice. The thing with this is to taste as you go and add a little more of whats missing.

I like to drizzle mine with a nice Olive Oil and a sprinkle of Cayenne Pepper.



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