Guacamole My Way

I thought I hated Avocado and used to refuse to eat it until I was about 22.  I was traveling around the world and I was in a tiny little village waiting to do the Inka trail and I had ordered a salad in a local restaurant as my lunch. Loving most salads I thought I’d like it and teamed with bread it would be a perfect lunch, only to my dismay, when it came to the table all that was on the plate was half an avocado, and a slice of tomato with a wedge of lemon.

 As many of you might know if you set yourself a target to backpack round the world after Uni your gonna be on a serious budget as I was, so I literally couldn’t afford another dish for lunch so it was eat this or starve. Anyway I set about “playing with my food”  in a word I chopped up the tomato, and Avo, mixed it into a mush and squeezed the lime over it. I added salt and pepper hoping for something edible. To my absolute gobsmacking surprise I was in taste heaven and absolutely loved what had been created. I ate it with bread and my day was complete. 

To this day I make my Guacamole in pretty much the same way. I just add 3 more ingredients for Hannah heaven on a plate they are chilli, garlic and fresh coriander leaves. 

So the ingredients are 
1 x Avocado
1x medium sized fresh juicy ripe tomato
1x lime, juiced
1x red chilli 
½ bunch of fresh coriander leaves
1 garlic clove 
Salt and pepper to your tastes 

All the ingredients except the lime need to be finely diced, the garlic pressed, and then they need to be chop mixed together. 

What’s chop mixing you say? 

Basically once they are all diced separately throw them all together on to the chopping board, and start chopping and folding so you have a big mixed mess! Have fun! W
hen you think your mixed enough for you tastes add the lime and season for your taste buds so it’s perfect for you.

I’ve made a nice pile and decorated it with cucumber slices you can just chuck it in a bowl, it’s great for breakie, it’s great for lunch as a dip or even for dinner and pairs well with a loads of different things but I like to eat it just on a nice bit of rye toast. 


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