Fantastical Breakies

Fantastical Breakies

My breakfasts vary greatly from day to day, I pretty much never have the same thing twice,  but at the weekends after a long hike with the dog we like to come back home and have a bunchy type breakie. I like to get creative and think think up something new and deliciously healthy each time and I want to share my ideas with you,
I am a massive fan of what I like to call the breakfast salad, people don’t tend to think of eating vegetables for breakfast but I’m hear to change that way of thinking and give you some new ideas that hopefully you will love.

This one is a simple little number, classics that all go together, Avocado, smoked salmon, poached eggs, tomatoes and Cucumber with squeezed lemon for a touch of zing and flax seeds for a touch of crunch and a touch more nutrients.

I scooped the avocado out with an ice cream scoop to make it mirrors the shape of the poached egg, purely for presentation purposes.

There will be many more to come in the breakfast section of the blog 


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