Pear and Ginger Cake

This is such a staple in our household at the moment. The warming aroma of the ginger baking fills the house and the whole family gather in the kitchen waiting for it to be cool enough to have a slice. Its also very easy to make and it looks rather impressive.

3 pears grated
2 1/2 cups of self raising flour
I cup of brown sugar
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tablespoon ground ginger
4cm grated fresh ginger
1 cup of melted butter
1/2 cup of water
3 lightly beaten eggs

1 Pear sliced
1/2 cup of brown sugar
60g butter

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius and line a wide cake round cake tin

In your mixer or bowl add the butter, grated ginger, eggs and water and mix.

Add flour, sugar and spices and fold together finally adding the grated pear last.

Pour into the cake tin and decorate the top with the sliced pear.

Place in the middle of the oven and cook for 45 minutes until the cake has risen and started to brown. At this stage, take the cake out and add the topping ingredients. you'll need to melt the butter, mix with the sugar and brush on.

Return the cake to the oven and continue cooking for another half an hour

Transfer to a wire rack and let cool before eating.



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