Valentines day

First fun thing in February 
Valentines Day 
That wonderful day if you have a secret admirer, or that dreaded day if you dont and nothing comes in the post, that was me for the first 25 years of my life, until I met my husband, who is a bit of a romantic at heart. 
After years of trying to book restaurants that were fully booked or getting a reservation only to find out they had a special menu ten times the ordinary price, we started doing our romantic meal together at home. 
We do some research on fine dining, he does 2 courses and I do 2, this year we’ve gone for Amuse bush, a fish starter a meat course and a dessert. So we cook and we make it a competition and rate each other. 
Its fun, delicious and a jolly site cheaper than going out for dinner. 
So watch this space tomorrow for Menus and pictures of the results of our delicious meal.


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