portabella mushroom eggs benny

Portabella mushroom eggs Benny! 

So everyone goes on a mental health kick in January after the new year but its almost that time of year when you could be letting it slip, I forgot it was pancake day on Tuesday, I was way to busy planning my valentine’s meal, but this is actually the start of lent the 40 days of goodness your supposed to have before Easter. So anyway goodbye forgotten pancakes, hello stay healthy eggs benny! 

I roasted a portabella mushroom, and this is really simple in the oven with a sprinkle of olive oil and salt! 15 mins on a medium heat. 
Then a perfectly fresh egg for poaching

And my favourite bit, pepper and tomato tagine ketchup, so I cooked up peppers, onions and garlic for extra flavour sautĂ©ed them all together, then added beefy tomatoes and tagine spices and a dash of red wine vinegar covered the ingredients with water and simmered on a low temperature for an hour or so until most of the moisture was gone, then added a tablespoon of olive oil and seasoned to my liking. 

Finally with a hand blender I simply blended it all together to make a sauce. 
I love salads for breakfast so I combined a salad and extra sauce and something we get here in France called socca chips, they are made from chick pea flour so great for anyone with a gluten allergy and super tasty 

So talk about packing in the nutrients! That’s a great way to start your Sunday!


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