Gluten free Lemon drizzel Quinoa cake Method

5 eggs 
1.5 cups of sugar
2 cups rice flour 
2 cups of cooked quinoa
300ml vegetable oil
Teaspoon of baking powder 
Pinch of salt
2 lemons, juiced and grated rind 

Lemon syrup 
100g sugar 
100ml water
Juice 1 lemon 
For the caky bit, 
Crack your 5 eggs and sugar into a mixing bowl, preferably on that runs on electric, not arm power. Whisk until its practically quadrupled in size, and its a light peachy colour. 
Next slowly, slowly add the vegetable oil, then the rice flower, then the lemon juice, baking powder, salt and lastly fold in the cooked quinoa. 
The mixture should be very light and airy and should be enough to come to nearly the top of  your averaged sized cake tin.
You will need to bake it on a temperature of 180 in a fan assisted oven for almost an hour. 
I have a little tip to stop the top of the cake from burning before the middle cooks, as soon as its clearly cooked on top and you can see its smooth looking, and well you know like cooked cake, open the oven and cover it in a little tin foil. 
While your cakes cooking make your syrup, simply combine the 3 ingredients and let them boil for 5 minutes, then take off the heat and let them cool.
When the cake is ready take it out of the oven and immediately pour the sugar syrup over it trying to get an even cover, the cake should absorb the syrup before it gets to the bottom, so hopefully you wont have a sticky sugary mess coming out the bottom of the tin, but i would put it on a tray just in case. 
Now you could serve it just like this and warm with a little lemon yoghurt on the side, unless your a decoration freak like me, then leave to cool in the fridge over night for fun decoration times tomorrow. 


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