Gluten Free Lemon Drizzel, Quinoa Cake, Decorated with February Mimosa

Gluten free Lemon quinoa Drizzle cake 
So Its February, and you may not know this I didn’t, before I did, but that was quite recently.  February is the season for citrus fruit here in the south of France, so I’m focusing the attention of this cake on the goddess of all fruits! The lemon. 
So when I started thinking about making this cake I wasn’t sure exactly how I was going to make it, I Just knew that I wanted to use  Lemons and decorate it with Mimosa. A yellow flowering tree that also flowers in the south of France in February, giving you the first hints that winter is nearly over. 
As much as I try too stay healthy I cant help but love the sweet things in life so this is how my crazy brain  excuses my own homemade sweet treats. I mean surely, the more ingredients something has in it the more potential nutrients it has in it, that the body  needs. So  I figure if I’m making something naughty to satisfy my evil sugar loving alter ego, then I’m packing in some extra stuff
