A great healthy lunch

A Great Healthy Lunch 

Sesame crusted cod with pea and red bean flavoured quinoa and a green pea puree

Using the same principle as my valentines day fish here I’ve used cod and used the 3 step process, 1 flour, 2 egg and 3 your crunch, in this case sesame seeds and flour mixed. 

For the pea puree I literally just cooked up the peas with onions and garlic and when the water was nearly cooked off I blended them, I didn’t make it a super smooth puree by sieving it as they would in a posh restaurant as that means removing fibre, my aim is to make healthy delicious food with as many different nutrients as possible whilst using lots of different textures  to keep our senses completely entertained and therefore leading to contentment, hopefully!

Quinoa is a fantastic example of great texture its got a fantastic crunch to it like no other grain and it has an impressively high protein content, (13g per 110g)  great for vegetarians. I added peas to the cooked quinoa to compliment the puree and red kidney beans, again adding nutrients and flavour and textures. 


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