Thai fish cakes

Thai fish cakes 

To make 6 cakes

300g cod 
300g salmon
2 teaspoons of Thai red curry paste
1 bunch of coriander
½ teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon of corn flour

For this recipe you will need a food processor, that the thing that whizzes a double knife type thing round and round really fast.

Step 1 

Food processor at the ready, chuck in all the ingredients in it and press go! When you have a smooth but very sticky paste transfer it into a bowl with a spatula. 

Step 2

Next to make the paddy’s, its pretty messy to do this because the mixture is sticky and gooey so you need to, not flour your hands as you would when making some things but you must keep them wet mould each one then wet your hands again and make the next, I like to sprinkle a few sesame seeds on mine when I’m done moulding but this is totally optional.

 Step 3

Next you need to shallow fry them for about a few minutes on either side on a medium heat and then pop them in the oven for 10 minutes on 170
I like to serve mine with a green salad and sweet chilli sauce but they go well with mayonnaise and other sauces too.


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