Roasted Pumpkin Seeds three Ways

WAIT! Don't throw out the pumpkins just yet! We have been cooking ups a storm this week using all of the leftover squash from Halloween.

One thing that I really hate to throw away is the seeds. As a pumpkin obsessed vegetable grower I see every one that goes into the bin as a wasted opportunity to make even more. I have saved about 20 seeds from each variety that I found this year and then decided that I needed to find something to do with the rest of them. I remembered back to when we still had an Au Pair to help out in the early days  of her telling me about eating pumpkin seeds. I assumed that she meant the green de shelled ones that you can but to add to muesli or breads etc and then found out that she meant to eat them whole! This was a new concept to me but I decided to give it a while and boy am I glad that I did!

Anyone that knows me knows that I have a sweet tooth so I decided to try out two sweet recipes and one savoury. They turned out absolutely amazing and there are so many different flavours to try out! They are similar to popcorn and incredibly moorish!

Honey Roast 
2 Cups of pumpkin seeds
1 tablespoon of Natural honey
1 tsp Butter
1 tsp Coconut Oil

Sweet Cinnamon 
2 Cups of pumpkin seeds
1 tsp natural Honey
1 tbs Butter
1 tsp cinnamon

Salted Roast 
2 Cups of pumpkin seeds
1 tbs butter
1 tsp coconut Oil
A good pinch of salt

-If you are saving your seeds from a pumpkin or squash rather than buying them from the supermarket then you will need to wash and clean the seeds from the pulp. This is easy to do in a sieve under running water.
-Then boil the seeds in salted water for around 5 minutes then sieve away the water and leave the seeds to dry out while you complete the next step.
- In a pan over the stove or even in a microwavable bowl, melt and mix the ingredients together and made sure that the seeds are properly coated.
-Spread the seeds out onto a baking tray with baking paper
- Place into the oven on 180 degrees Celsius and keep your eye on them. As soon as the mixture starts to go bubbly and like a thick syrup or caramel then they are ready to take out of the oven
-Leave to cool and then eat them like you would popcorn!


 I am so glad that I tried this recipe as its something that I would never have found to sample anywhere else, especially here in Southern France

I suggest you try it too and please feel free to share any other recipes or flavour ideas that you have with us! Its a new annual tradition!


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