Pumpkin Spice and All things Nice

What a Wonderful time of the year Autumn is!

 I personally think that there is nothing better than hot cups of tea, coffee or hot chocolate in front of an open fire with slippers on. The smell of the woodsmoke and cold weather cooking is sublime! 
Nothing speaks Autumn like Pumpkin Spice. This is a very American thing, we use the same mix for apple pies but its become very fashionable now with retail stores making their own mixes and selling them at extortionate rates. 

The thing is... you can make it yourself so easily and cost effectively that you would never know the difference! 

When I first heard of Pumpkin Spice I had to have some! I looked online at who would deliver it to France and to my dismay no-one would for less than the cost of one of my kidneys. So off to faithful Pinterest I went and gleefully fell upon plenty of DIY recipes. 

I decided to make my own variation to my families taste but you can easily do the same. I am not a big nutmeg fab so I add less than some people do but have a play around and see what you like. 


3 tbs Cinnamon 
1 1/2 Tbs Ginger
1 tsp Allspice 
1/2 tsp Ground Cloves 
1/2 tsp Nutmeg


Mix all together, have a play around and see what tickles your tastebuds and what doesn't. Store in a small jar. No need to make lots of this, a little goes a long way and its so fast that you can easily whip up another batch if you need it. 

Try adding it to baking and coffee! Yum! I added some to banana cake the other day and it was divine!! Hose smelled amazing while baking too! 


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