Blueberry profiterols


For the choux pastry which is the profiterole itself before its been glazed and stuffed

 Water 1 cup 220ml 

 Butter ½ cup 100g

 Flour 1 cup/220ml

 Eggs 4

For the blackberry glaze 

 200g blackberry’s 

 50g sugar or just a table spoonful 

For this you are going to make a blackberry jam and use half for the glaze and half to fold into the whipped cream filling 

 100g White chocolate

 20ml cream

For the blackberry cream filling 

 200ml of Whipped cream 

 half your blackberry jam


Melt the butter in the water and bring to boil, when it reaches boiling point take off heat and “shoot” (throw in all at once) the flour into the boiling mix, it is very important that the flour butter liquid is at boiling point and you will quickly stir the flour in and it will become a doughy ball, if the mix doesn't become a doughy ball start again as the profiteroles will not rise properly. It took me a few failed attempts at making choux pastry to realise this was the stage where I was going wrong, when i realised it was like an epiphany, I've never gone wrong since and its my go to quick dessert as when you have the pastry figured it will only take about ten minutes to make. 

Next add the eggs one by one stirring them into the mix completely before adding the next. When the mixture is complete it should be fairly thick. 
Scoop the finished pastry into a piping bag, the mixture is going to be too sticky to scoop balls with a spoon, this is really the only way for complete success. 
Line a pastry tray with grease proof paper or a silicone mat
Pip out balls about 4cm in diameter, they are going to expand a bit when you cook them so be careful to space them out nicely on you baking sheet.
for the blackberry cream filling 
Blackberry jam

In a pan cook the blackberry’s with some water, but only a tiny tiny bit to line the bottom of the pan, the blackberries will already be juicy so you don’t want them all watery, but likewise they have there own sugar in them so you don’t want them to stick to the bottom of the pan, when they are all cooked in a mushy blackberry mess add the sugar and let it dissolve then take off the heat and leave too cool.
Whip the cream, you can do this by hand if you want the wrist exercise or as I prefer to do, in my Kenward mixer or any mixer but if your doing it in a mixer be careful not to over whip it if you do this it will separate and become milk and butter and we don’t want that.
When the cream is whipped enough that you can make shapes with the mixer prongs fold by hand half the black berry jam into it.
Piping bag step 2 
Put an attachment in the piping bag with a small hole and pop a small hole in the bottom of each profiterole and squirt in the cream.

White chocolate glaze

Put some water in a pan and bring to the boil, put a bowl on top of the pan of boiling water and put the chocolate in it and let it melt, the reason we do this is because chocolate burns very easily so its best not to melt it over direct heat. 
When the chocolate is melted add the cream and 1 tablespoon of blackberry jam, keep stirring until it cools a bit and starts to thicken again then poor over the profiteroles.

you can serve immediately or leave them in the fridge and serve them a few hours later.

I though profiteroles were a very French dessert but according to wiki encyclopedia, the history is uncertain as they date back so far in both and English and French history, so the French will say there French and the English will say there English, but in truth nobody knows, there origins are uncertain.


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