Simple Vanilla Biscuits

Hi all! 

So this is a super simple recipe which I wanted to share with you because I will be using it in quite a few of our posts coming up as we are entering the Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons. 

We decorate a lot of biscuits in our house. I think its a great way of getting the little ones away from the TV and getting involved in something we can all do together. 

Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius 

180g Softened butter 
1 Cup of caster sugar 
1 Tsp Vanilla extract 
2 1/2 Cups of flour 
1 Egg and an extra yolk

Add the butter, sugar and vanilla extract into a mixing bowl and whisk with an electric whisker. You can do this by hand also, just takes a little longer. 

Once mixed well add the flour and the eggs to form a dough. 

The dough at this stage will be very fluffy and soft, this is perfect and exactly how we want it but we will never be able to work it like this. So give it a slight dusting with flour and wrap it in cling film (glad wrap/cellophane) and pop it into the fridge for a minimum of 30 minutes. 

Once cooled it will be a bit more solid so quickly roll it out to about 5mm thick and using cookie cutters, cut out your desired shapes. You may need to repeat the fridge process a few times to ensure the dough is firm enough to work. 

Pop the biscuits on to a baking sheet or baking paper and cook for 10 minutes or until the edges are just turning brown. 

Take out of the oven and leave to cool. 

Hey presto! Cookies complete! You can now decorate to your hearts content! 


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