Get to know Xanthe

So… A little about me! My name is Xanthe and I was born in Oxfordshire in the UK but mainly grew up down at the bottom of the country in deep rural Devon. This has given me a strong interest in everything whimsical, old fashioned and hand made. 

After completing my education I moved to France to pursue a career in the luxury yacht industry during which time I spent nine years travelling the world attending to the needs of the rich and famous. This was not a life for me, I was homesick and craved a home life with a kitchen and a sofa to relax on and plan my future. 

Thankfully this came to an end after the birth of my first Daughter Evie and I have spent the last seven years teaching myself to cook, craft and be an adventurer, pirate, fairy, mermaid or whatever my babies want me to be on the day. In 2016 I gave birth to my second daughter Hazel and have found myself re learning and searching further into my imagination and through the web to make sure our weeknights and weekends and school holidays are filled with fun, food and laughter, not to mention wine, plenty of wine! 

I want to share with you the things that I find beautiful in the world. I am a big believer in finding beauty in everything and I look for the best features of every month to celebrate them as if every week was a mini Christmas.

I hope you enjoy following our journey and please feel free to get in touch x
