An Introduction

very body is starting to realise that what we eat and drink and how we live our lives has a big influence on how long we can live our lives. A healthy diet and a healthy way of life is the key to a long life.

We are what we eat!

Our body is literally made up of what we eat, and drink, water is 65% of a women and over 70% in men. Protein for muscles, fat, and vitamins and minerals that can be found in all the fruits and vegetables that we eat.  

We are healthy enough and are aware of what’s good and what’s not but we are also very realistic and not fanatical, I know alcohol is not the great for you but I love wine and I enjoy it so its not something I plan to give up.
 Sugar is the latest thing to be demonised in the world of diet and health, but I love deserts, making them, creating them and eating them, so although its a thing I do try to cut down on I’m not going to entirely scratch them from my diet because they are a small pleasure that I want to be a part of my life. 
Red meat is another thing we all need to cut down on so cut down by swapping, that’s the wonderful thing about food, there is so much selection in the world that we can make swaps and still eat delicious healthy things. Instead of meat and two veg every meal incorporate new vegetarian dishes where you can,4 but still have some days where you enjoy your succulent steak or slow cooked pork belly, I try to aim for balance rather than totally eradicating things, there are still some nutrients we need in meat and its not necessary to cut it out completely 

Keeping our mind in good health

Lots of people concentrate on things like yoga and exercise which I am a huge advocate for as well, but I think people forget other powerful tools to keeping the mind healthy and relieving stress. I believe cooking and the arts are essential when it comes to stress relief. It does not matter how much is going on in my life, when I enter the kitchen and start concentrating on preparing something, whether it be a simple salad or an ornate dessert my mind is fully concentrating on the task at hand and I completely relax and begin to create. So I propose to people to take to your kitchen more often, relax and enjoy your time in there, you are preparing something that is helping to build your body.

The more we eat the more nutrients we will get.I don’t mean more as in quantity but rather variance. If you can add variety to your diet the more likely you are to fulfil your nutritional needs. If you spend your days eating empty calories you will find it easier to over eat than if you actually feed yourself fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables packed with different nutrients. If you are giving your body what it needs it is not going to demand more. For example, you could eat a 500 calorie bag of crisps and still have a nagging sensation that you wanted more food, if you eat a 500 calorie balanced plate of food with a selection of vegetables, good carbohydrates, good proteins and good fats you will feel full without that craving for something else.

If you are going to eat cake, eat homemade cake!

We all need treats in our life you can eat a fantastically balanced diet and still have room for some treats, but better they are homemade and that you know exactly what is in them than something packaged from the shelves that is packed full of chemicals to keep it in date for the next year.  You can even add ingredients with nutritional value to your treats.

Get out and about

Use food as your new hobby, the only vitamin we cannot get enough of from food is vitamin D. Vitamin d is produced in the skin when it is exposed to natural light. Yes I said natural light! I know sometimes when it grey, windy and cold you don’t feel much like going out, but you need the great outdoors even in the dreariest of months, so get out and about, walk to your local market at the weekend, go to food festivals, apple picking in the Autummn or strawberry picking in the summer, you’ll get outside and I guarantee you’ll have fun.

Seasonal ingredients

Have you ever noticed that sometimes a tomato tastes of nearly nothing or it tastes absolutely amazing? If it tastes of nothing its probably because its not in season. Peaches in season taste like heaven but out of season, pretty much nada! Not only is the taste better in seasonal fruits and veg but so is the quality and nutrients. 
Enjoy every time of year and don’t wish your life away its too short as it is!
Each month holds its own wondrous delights such as festivals and foods, enjoy them annually. Our blog is focused on the wonders of each month focusing on the events and foods surrounding them and all the things that you can do at home to make each month happy, relaxing, healthy and full of fun filled projects to keep you mind at peace and your body healthy.

Nourish the Mind and Soul

Most of us are all guilty of it, whether it’s the latest episode of Game of Thrones, Eastenders or Modern Family we all waste precious time involved in things that may relax us but leave us with no satisfaction afterwards and certainly no fond memories. 
In this day and age it’s a constant battle trying to get children off their tablets and away from the TV. I am not saying that all TV is bad at all, I would hate my evenings to not have an episode of my favorite TV show and I am always glued to my Instagram, But I believe in counteracting the naughty with the good.
Of course my girls watch TV. Moana and Frozen are the two things that got me through the first ten months after my second child was born, But I try and fill the rest of their spare time with crafting, cooking, going on family adventures and making memories.

I hope that with this blog and our other social media content that we can show you that there are hundreds of simple family activities and also activities that you can do on your own that will open your mind and warm your heart. Join us in trying to seek out the beauty in every day life!

Lots of love, Han and Xanth xx


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